
Club Structure

Chichester Runners & AC is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), Registered Charity Number 1200751.

Between founding in 1984 and registration as a CIO in Oct 2022, the Club was structured as an unincorporated association.

Meeting Minutes

The minutes of meetings are published on Google Drive.

London Marathon Place

Chichester Runners is usually allocated one club place for the London Marathon.
The place is allocated by lot, usually at the Club’s AGM in November, and will be given to an established member of the Club who contributes by competing or volunteering for the Club. Full EA registration is required. Full eligibility criteria for the club marathon place.

Miscellaneous Policies

Third Party Events

Like many clubs, we receive a lot of requests to promote events or to help find marshals. They all sound amazing, but we really don’t have any spare capacity. Send us something snappy and we’ll be happy to put it in our next club newsletter or on our social media channels.

Charity Donations

Club members sometimes collect money for charity, but there are complications if the club (a charity) makes charitable donations from the money that it has raised for itself. So we don’t normally do it.

WSFRL events are not meant to make money and any surplus from the Trundle View 5 will be given to charity. Half will go to the Emsworth to Basingstoke Charity Relay and the other half will go to a local charity chosen by members.


People sometimes want to bring their dogs along to the runs that the club organises. Usually, that’s fine. But dogs do bring risks (bites, trips, road safety) and we have to consider that not all of our members are dog lovers – your fur baby might be someone else’s worst nightmare. So we have some guidance.

  • Dogs must be kept under the owner’s control at all times.
  • Dogs should never take part in interval training sessions.
  • Well behaved dogs at trail runs are OK.
  • For social runs and other events, dog owners should ask the organiser’s permission to bring their dog. And respect the answer.
  • The owner is entirely responsible for the safety and actions their dog, at all times.
  • Run Leaders have enough to do already. They are not pet sitters.

Formal Policies, Forms and Procedures

In accordance with the England Athletics Framework for Club Welfare, the club has adopted and extended a number of EA & UKA policies and procedures:

Club Policies

Forms for New Volunteers

Safeguarding & Codes of Conduct

Chichester Runners follows the England Athletics policies for welfare and safeguarding

Risk Assessments