Club Structure
Chichester Runners & AC is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), Registered Charity Number 1200751.
Between founding in 1984 and registration as a CIO in Oct 2022, the Club was structured as an unincorporated association.
Meeting Minutes
The minutes of meetings are published on Google Drive.
London Marathon Place
Chichester Runners is usually allocated one club place for the London Marathon.
The place is allocated by lot, usually at the Club’s AGM in November, and will be given to an established member of the Club who contributes by competing or volunteering for the Club. Full EA registration is required. Full eligibility criteria for the club marathon place.
Policies, Forms and Procedures
In accordance with the England Athletics Framework for Club Welfare, the club has adopted and extended a number of EA & UKA policies and procedures:
Club Policies
Forms for New Volunteers
Codes of Conduct
- Safeguarding Code of Conduct
- Safeguarding Policy Adults
- Safeguarding Policy Children
- Reporting Safeguarding Concerns
- Reporting Serious Misconduct
- Child Protection Referral form
- Child Protection Referrral Addtional Information