These are the main Coaches, Run Leaders and organisers that members will come across regularly. We also have a strong subs-bench of qualified leaders who help out sometimes. And a huge number of other members who contribute on an informal basis and at events.

Nadia Anderson
Running Coach
Nadia started running aged 40 and ran on her own until she found the Chichester Parkrun. Soon after, she joined the Cake Run group at Chichester Runners. Nad loves being part of the club and is delighted by the opportunities it has given her to develop her running, confidence and meet so many good friends. She has entered many iconic runs and has enjoyed being part of a team of like-minded runners. Nad is a qualified Coach in Running Fitness and she leads two groups each week.

Tom Blaylock
Run Leader
Tom started running on 1st Jan 1983, aged 28, the day after he stopped smoking. A distinguished career of long-distance running followed. He became a Run Leader in 2009, hoping to put something back into the club that had helped develop his running so much. Tom’s goal is to pass on a sense of the sheer joy of running and an appreciation of its health benefits and the sense of achievement it can bring.

Winston Bond
Run Leader
Winston got to 5k and then joined Chi Runners in 2014, as part of his mid-life crisis attempt to get fit. For the last few years he has been involved on the admin side of the club and helps lead a training group on a Monday night. Speed- and distance-wise, Winston is somewhere in the middle of the pack and hopes to stay there for a while longer.

Claire Cook
Run Leader
Claire is originally from Birmingham and joined Chichester runners in January 2020, whilst training for the Chicago marathon. She runs for fun rather than times and loves the social side of training, particularly the encouraging and inclusive nature of the training groups.

Tony Cooley
Run Leader
Tony started running in 1984 to get fit for skiing, he joined Chichester Runners in 1986 aged 32, and has competed in track and field, cross country and road races over the years, has completed 26 marathons along the way. Now just runs for fun.

Jim Garland
Run Leader
Jim started running in Scotland at the age of 10 having read that Ingemar Stenmark, then the world’s best skier, ran 30 mins every day. Jim’s still working on the skiing, but found he enjoys running just as much, and has been a member of Chichester Runners since 1994. Jim can be found at training on a Monday evening.

Amanda Godfrey
Running & Athletics Coach
Amanda has competed in track and field and cross country since she was 13, winning County medals in various events. Within the club, Amanda mainly works with the juniors, coaching throws, jumps and running. She is also a regular leader at our Couch to 5k programme and runs our summer track sessions for seniors wanting to improve their speed over 5k and 10k.

Jane Taylor
Run Leader
Jane didn’t start running until she was nearly 50. She runs mainly for fitness, fun and friendship with a side order of cake!

Peter Anderson
WSFRL Coordinator

Jason Boswell
Run Leader

Tony Mitman
Run Leader

Sandra Nemorin-Noel
Run Leader

Peter Shaw
Trail Run Coordinator

Colin Simmons
Run Leader

Amanda Trafford
Running Coach

Sasha Vargin
Running Coach

Hayley Warren
Run Leader

Andrew Wingham
Run Leader

Michael “Mikeey” Kwoka
Social Media Lead